• nbattaglia
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Why Paid Ads Still Need Strong Legal Content for Google Ads: Our Personal Injury Legal Content Writer Explains

There is one simple truth about search engine results.  The best way to get on the first page of Google is paid ads.  The best way to be on the top of Google search results is paid ads.  It does not matter if you have the best search engine optimization (SEO) and the best content possible, websites that paid will always be ahead.  Just take a look at any search engine results.  The paid Google ads are always above any organic results.  But this does not mean that legal content for Google ads is not important.  Our personal injury legal content writer explains why having strong legal content for Google ads is still imperative to helping your SEO and getting new clients.

Paid Versus Organic Search Engine Results: Legal Content for Google Ads

legal content writer

There are two types of search engine results.  There are paid ads and organic ads.  Paid ads are just like they sound.  The website owner, webmaster, or marketing team helping the personal injury law firm pays a search engine for ads.  The most common search engine is Google and its paid Google ads produce legendary results.  That is, however, for legendary prices.  However, the best way to get on the top of page one for Google ads is paying for them.

Organic search engine results are much different.  A website owner, webmaster, or marketing team does not pay for placement at the top of search engine results.  Rather, the website itself has strong SEO.  This includes “under the hood” such as speed, mobile app, and other important accessibly and format functions.  But organic search results also rely on strong content.  This content has many relative search terms in it which can get people to come and visit the website, use the information, and otherwise interact with the website in a Google-positive manner.  When a website has a lot of positive interactions like this, a search engine will give it more authority and credibility.  This means in searches of relevant topics, a search engine will bring some websites that are NOT paid up in the rankings.  This is because the number one job of a search engine is to find relevant results that help people.  If that is naturally (or organically) your website, you win.

While Paid Ads Are Still the Best, You Need a Personal Injury Legal Content Writer

Even if you decide that you do not like money so you will paid exorbitant amounts of money for paid Google ads, you still need a personal injury legal content writer.  This is because a paid Google ad is still just that—and advertisement!  

If you have a poor advertisement, it does not how much money you pay for that advertising slot—you won’t get results.  Think about some television commercials, particularly for the upcoming Super Bowl.  Some companies will pay millions of dollars for a single, 30-second advertising slot.  If they have a poor TV commercial (and we have all seen it), that company is just wasting their money.

The same is true with your paid Google ad.  If you pay for Google ads you will be at the top of the search engine results.  But when people click on your ad and visit your website, if the content is horrible so will the result.  You need to make sure you still have strong ads.

Hire a Personal Injury Content Writer For Your Paid Google Ads

It is a simple truth.  If you are going to spend all of that money for paid advertising, why would you pick substandard ads to place there?  The reasons is because most lawyers think that they can write personal injury legal content for trucking accidents or auto accidents.  The truth is, lawyers are really bad at drafting marketing material such as legal content for law firm blogs.  Not only that, but most lawyers do not know how to break down complex legal theories into something digestible.  Lawyers also do not know how to use SEO, or what it even stands for.

Hiring a personal injury legal content writer to draft legal content for Google ads is imperative.  You need to have not only great content to hook a client that comes across the paid advertisement, but you also need to lay a foundation.  That is, once you finishing paying money (whether that is in one day, one week, one month, or one year), you still need that ad to produce results.  

Said differently, once your paid ad is not longer paid, you still want it to rank organically.  There is some indication that paying for ads on Google helps your website page rank and SEO.  Google does not release all of their factors, but there are plenty of other websites that found this to be true.  That Google will offer a boost and help recognize websites that once paid for their services, as opposed to websites and business which never have.  This makes great sense to protect your own.

So while you can draft your own legal content, you should not.  Especially if it is a paid ad.  This is only going to hurt your chances of getting clients and improving your bottom line if you are wasting adverting money on Google ads with poor ads.  Ask our personal injury legal content writer how we can draft legal content for Google ads to help your law firm blog and website.

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Author: nbattaglia