Once your law firm or attorney webpage and legal blog is launched, there are certain legal marketing tweaks you can make to improve your website’s position. As a legal content writer, I have seen many legal websites that were on the right track but lacking simple fixes that will yield big results.
While these tips cannot replace a legal content writer who specializes in drafting content for legal websites, here are three tips to improve your website SEO that can be implemented even if you have the most basic understanding of online marketing:
Logically, this makes absolutely sense. So much sense, that one would ask why this is the first SEO tip; it is stating the obvious. However, the truth of the matter is most attorney websites or legal blogs fail to hone in on the locality they hope to tap into. Others attempt to conquer too large of a locality that they cannot responsibly donate the time and effort into cultivating. As a legal content writer, this can be one of the easiest fixes to remedy.
For instance, a law firm seeking to obtain clients in the northern region of the state should focus on cities, towns, and counties in that area within their website content. Prospective clients will search locally first to save themselves the trip of having to travel far distances to a lawyer if they do not have it. Competition for these local places is likely to be significantly less than for larger geographic areas–such as entire states or regions–which require constant attention and more resources. Thus, if the attention required is not provided, all attempts will essentially be wasted because they will be spread too thin to be effective.
Again, this appears to go without saying. Yet, as a legal content writer, too often do I see attorneys posting titles such as “Premises Liability and You: Proving Constructive Notice.” Most people have no idea what premises liability cases actually are in the first place, let alone do they know what constructive notice is or why it is important.
However, morphing this title into “Slip and Fall Accidents: What You Need to Do to Win” would generate significantly more interest for someone who has just fallen and sustained an injury. Moreover, that is what they will be searching online; a slip and fall and how to win their case. Then within the post, you can tactfully convert a slip and fall case into a premises liability issue. Add the location you are hoping to focus on in the title, and you will have a solid title for your blog post.
Moreover, titles should be attention-grabbing or enticing. You want prospective clients coming across your blog posts to be compelled to click on the link and see what you have on your webpage. The best example of this is on news articles or tabloids. We hate them and don’t intend to ever click on them, however, sometimes the titles are just to irresistible to not uncover.
Google is smart and ever-evolving. In the past, heavy linking was the way to easily build your website’s online presence. In fact, webpage owners would just provide hundreds of random links within their articles to increase their ranking.
But Google culled these behavior and looked for relevant links that have content and buzzwords similar to the content and buzzwords in your blog posts. Thus, providing irrelevant links would actually harm your website’s potential. This can disarm your legal content writer and render your online legal marketing useless.
But in the gamesmanship of “beating Google,” people have forgotten the reason for writing the blogs and providing links in the first place: Help the readers! Regardless if you can make your website appear at the top of all relevant searches, if visitors to your website find, click on, and attempt to use your website–but it does not help them–you will generate no business. The visitor will simply hit the “back” button and go to the next website down the line.
Employing these three simple SEO tips can improve your website’s visibility and utility greatly. Remember, being at the top of the search engine is excellent, but it will still require solid and helpful content to impress your visitors to patronize your services.
While these are only a few tips, ask your legal content writer for more information on other ways to improve your website. Other methods are not as easy, but certainly effective.
If you have more questions or would like an SEO review of your website, please contact NAB Legal Marketing, LLC today. We are legal content writers who understand how to use SEO effectively to improve your law firm’s web presence. Contact us today at inquiries@NABLegalMarketing.com